Why do some people still have illnesses when they don't have hereditary conditions or malignant infectious diseases?
Why do some people even have illnesses from birth?
Of all types of bioenergy required by living beings, there is one that is not produced by the bodies of the living beings themselves the Bioenergy of Non-System, which is produced by the earth.
This bioenergy, which is referred to as Prenatal Jing in the discipline of acupuncture, supposedly can only be acquired from the time of conception until the moment before birth.
The Prenatal Jing steadily diminishes with age after delivery, and the more stress and other health issues you deal with, the quicker it runs out.
If the Prenatal Jing acquired while in the womb was insufficient, it is possible for someone to be Prenatal Jing deficient from birth and have worse health than the usual person of his age.
Prenatal Jing supposedly cannot be increased or restored after a person is born, which is why it is dubbed "Prenatal" according to the science of acupuncture.
However, a study done at BioSCent discovered that the reason that all this time Prenatal Jing is thought as cannot be increased or restored is that no one has ever achieved the ability to control Bioenergy well enough to do so.
In other words, at BioSCent, we have the ability to increase or restore Prenatal Jing.
Any age can receive the Phoenix Touch service, which is a Prenatal Jing addition service. This service has been shown to be beneficial in enhancing a person's general health, and it is particularly useful for people who suffer a decline in their health as a result of vaccination.
Everyone is entitled to a free trial service, that involves filling in a maximum of 1 cun (segment) of backbone for those between the ages of 12 and 54 and a maximum of 2 cun for those 11 years old or older or those who are over 55.
Full service is charging as much as 24 cun (full capacity), at a cost of IDR 2,000,000 for ages 12 to 54 years and IDR 1,000,000 for ages 11 and under or 55 and over.
Normally, once completely charged, the effects will persist for years, with the exception of situations where you are continuously under extreme stress, are ill, or are experiencing severe vaccination adverse effects.