Just Talented

Is it accurate to say that talent is a "gift from heaven" that can only be possessed by those who have it naturally from birth? That is not the situation.

Beginning with an interest in news that exposed actual incidents where some of the people who experienced extreme events suddenly developed talent in occupations that they did not even have an interest in before, BioSCent discovered that talent is really an energy template that resides in the brain and is connected to auxiliary programs that are in the limbs.

So when someone is said to have musical talent, what they really possess is an energy template that facilitates their ability to analyze and write music as well as supporting programs, notably in the auditory and reflexes of their nerves.

Based on this, talent templates can be duplicated from one person to another, and BioSCent has discovered the method and proved that this is true.

Talents that can be duplicated are as follows:

  • Fine arts talent
  • Musical/singing talent
  • Movement talent
  • Management talent
  • Analytical talent
  • Verbal communication talent
  • Creative writing talent
  • Flavor mixing talent

It is important to understand that if the same type of talent is duplicated from different sources, the result will also be different. For example, the musical talent duplicated from the late Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will certainly be different from the musical talent duplicated from the late Luciano Pavarotti.

People with IQs lower than 90 can not be the recipient of new talent duplication; those with IQs of 100 to 110 can receive the duplication of one new talent, and then every 10 points higher can receive the duplication of one more talent.

Everyone is entitled to a FREE TRIAL of this service once for a period of 3 days.

To properly integrate the template into the brain's neuron network after choosing full service, the installed skill must be used every day for an hour for at least seven straight days.

The cost of this service for people who live in the territory of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Indochina is IDR 3,000,000 for the general public and IDR 1,000,000 for students.